Choosing Great Child Care
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Choosing Great Child Care

After I had my daughter, I knew that it was going to be hard to go back to work. I was worried about leaving her at day care, but I also knew that without a little help, it would be hard for me to get in the hours that I needed to support our little family. It was a difficult decision, but I started researching day care facilities to find a place who could help. Fortunately, I was able to find a really incredible child care business who met my every need. This website is designed to help you to identify your child care requirements, so that you can find the perfect business for you.

Choosing Great Child Care

What Your Child Should Always Have At After School Care

Steven Caldwell

If you have a younger child who you send to after school care, you need to be sure that he or she has everything that he or she needs to enjoy the few hours before you come to pick him or her up. One way to make sure that your child has everything that he or she needs is to create an after school care kit that he or she keeps in his or her backpack at all times. 

1. Extra Pencils, Erasers, and a Cheap, Plastic Calculator

Your life is going to be far simpler if you can just pick up your child from school, take him or her home, and make dinner for him or her without worrying about whether or not he or she has done his or her homework. You don't want to be in the middle of constructing lasagna and constantly feel like you have to go up to your child's room to make sure that he or she is actually doing his or her homework and not playing video games. To make sure that your child never has an excuse to not do homework, be sure that his or her after school kit is equipped with extra pencils, erasers, and a cheap, plastic calculator. Get your child into the habit of doing his or her homework during after school care by rewarding a week of homework completed in after school care with a trip to the ice cream parlor on Friday.

2. A Phone With Preloaded Contacts

If you have a younger child, he or she might not be ready for a smartphone yet. He or she probably does not have the self-control needed to not play games or watch videos on the phone all the time instead of socializing or doing work. However, you do want to be certain that your child has a way to contact people if he or she should feel sick at after school care and needs to leave early. Ask a few people if they would be willing to pick up your child on very rare occasions should he or she become ill and you can't pick them up. Then, preload these people's numbers into your child's phone along with your own number. Have your child call you first if he or she is feeling sick to see if you can pick him or her up. Then, have him or her call the other contacts if you are unavailable.

3. A Key

Finally, be sure that your child has a key to his or her house in the bag in order to make sure that, should he or she feel ill at after school care, a neighbor can take him or her to your house where he or she will feel the most comfortable.

For more information, talk to your after school care providers (like Child Care by ABC Day Nursery of Windsor).
