After I had my daughter, I knew that it was going to be hard to go back to work. I was worried about leaving her at day care, but I also knew that without a little help, it would be hard for me to get in the hours that I needed to support our little family. It was a difficult decision, but I started researching day care facilities to find a place who could help. Fortunately, I was able to find a really incredible child care business who met my every need. This website is designed to help you to identify your child care requirements, so that you can find the perfect business for you.
19 July 2016
Attending preschool is a great way for your child to begin the formal education process and also learn how to socially interact with others his or her own age. While preschool teachers won't expect your child to know very much when entering preschool (after all, it is completely new for your child), there are some basic skills that you can work on developing in your child before his or her first day.
4 February 2016
If you have a younger child who you send to after school care, you need to be sure that he or she has everything that he or she needs to enjoy the few hours before you come to pick him or her up. One way to make sure that your child has everything that he or she needs is to create an after school care kit that he or she keeps in his or her backpack at all times.
20 January 2016
Parents of children who attend daycare should play a very hands-on role in their child's experience. When an issue or question comes up concerning your child's experience, resolving the problem becomes the main goal. Speaking with your child's daycare provider or instructor is generally the best way to accomplish this goal. Whether it's fear of being offensive or misunderstood, for some parents, this communication presents an uncomfortable situation. Remember It's A Judgment-Free Zone