Choosing Great Child Care
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Choosing Great Child Care

After I had my daughter, I knew that it was going to be hard to go back to work. I was worried about leaving her at day care, but I also knew that without a little help, it would be hard for me to get in the hours that I needed to support our little family. It was a difficult decision, but I started researching day care facilities to find a place who could help. Fortunately, I was able to find a really incredible child care business who met my every need. This website is designed to help you to identify your child care requirements, so that you can find the perfect business for you.

Choosing Great Child Care

Two Skills To Work On Before Your Child Goes To Preschool

Steven Caldwell

Attending preschool is a great way for your child to begin the formal education process and also learn how to socially interact with others his or her own age. While preschool teachers won't expect your child to know very much when entering preschool (after all, it is completely new for your child), there are some basic skills that you can work on developing in your child before his or her first day. These skills will ensure the transition into preschool goes smoothly for your child, and they'll also ensure your child gets more out of the preschool experience.

Sitting still and listening.

At home, you probably talk to your child while he or she is playing. Your child may not be used to sitting still and paying attention for a longer period of time, as he or she will need to do sometimes at preschool. There are several easy ways to get your child accustomed to sitting still and listening.

  • Have your child sit still on the floor in front of you as you read him or her a story. Don't allow your child to get up and move on to another activity until the entire story is over. Start with short stories and move on to longer stories once your child is more accustomed to sitting still.
  • Have your child sit in front of you and listen as you describe a chore you want them to go do. For example, you could give instructions to, "Pick up your toys and put them in the toy box. Then, go put your shoes by the stairs and put your dirty shirt in the hamper." Send your child off to go follow the instructions after he or she has heard them.

Interacting with other children.

Most children don't have a lot of friends their own age before they start attending preschool. If your child has siblings, they are generally older or younger, so interacting with them is a bit different that interacting with kids their own age. Set up a few play dates with friends' children who are the same age as your child prior to the start of preschool. If you don't have close friends with children your own age, ask the preschool if you could have a list of classmates and their parents, and contact some of them to see if they're interested in setting up playdates.

When your child has a playdate, make sure the children practice sharing toys and playing games together. At first, the children may seem to play independently but side-by-side, though after a few playdates, they should acclimate socially and begin playing together more. This will help your child be more comfortable making friends and playing with others once preschool starts.

For more information, contact Kid's Country Child Care & Learning Center or a similar location.
