After I had my daughter, I knew that it was going to be hard to go back to work. I was worried about leaving her at day care, but I also knew that without a little help, it would be hard for me to get in the hours that I needed to support our little family. It was a difficult decision, but I started researching day care facilities to find a place who could help. Fortunately, I was able to find a really incredible child care business who met my every need. This website is designed to help you to identify your child care requirements, so that you can find the perfect business for you.
26 April 2022
Is your work-from-home job turning into a work-from-the-office arrangement? Now that an in-person return to the workplace is on the horizon, you need to start searching for daycare. But you're not sure when, where, or how to begin this process. If you had a pandemic pregnancy, and now are going back to office life for the first time in more than two years, take a look at what you need to know about child care and your choices.
15 December 2021
Are you finally going back to your in-person job? After months at home, you're ready to return to the office. But working from your living room wasn't the only thing you did in the past year or more. You also had a baby. Now you need to find a daycare you feel comfortable with. Before you resume office life, take a look at what you need to know about infant care and early childhood programs.
22 July 2021
If you have never had a nanny before, then you want to learn more about what a nanny can do for your children and what having a nanny can mean for your whole family. Here are some of the ways a nanny can help your children and your family: A nanny will supervise the children One of the main roles of a nanny will be to supervise the children. This means they will spend a lot of time with them, watching over the children and making sure they are safe.
9 February 2021
What do you need to know about infant care in Montessori schools? Whether you're a first-time parent or you're new to the Montessori method, take a look at the top questions about infant education answered. Isn't Montessori a Preschool Program? Yes, these schools often include pre-K programs. Known as the casa dei bambini or children's house, the preschool class is designed for children ages three through six. Even though preschool-aged children can attend this type of school, this age group isn't the only option.
7 May 2020
You don't have to worry about your children while they are in school full time, because they have their teachers to keep them in line and accounted for. As soon as school lets out, however, your children are left unattended until you get home from work or your other obligations. Children who are left alone at home because their parents cannot be there due to work or other obligations are often referred to as latchkey kids.